City Of Fayetteville Replaces UV Treatment System With BlueInGreen's HyDOZ Solution
After researching different ozone systems, plant officials ata 12 MGD wastewater plant in Arkansas chose to install BlueInGreen’s HyDOZ technology in order to more efficiently meet current permit requirements, as well as prepare for future legislation.
SDOX Technology Fulfills Oxygen Needs Of Biological Treatment Processes Without Interrupting Operations
Learn how the Millsboro processing plant replaced mechanical surface aerators with SDOX technology to fulfill the oxygen needs of the various biological treatment processes without interrupting operations.
CDOX® And CO2-Based System Replaces Manual Chemical Dosing Of Strong-Acids, Increasing Workplace Safety
The wastewater pre-treatment plant processes effluent from the manufacturing facility prior to discharging into the sanitary sewer system for treatment at the municipal wastewater facility. Use of sulphuric acid to manage the pH of the wastewater in the buffering reactor tank prior to entering the DAF for solids and oil removal was considered to be an unnecessary risk requiring significant safety protocols.
The SUPER SHREDDER® in-line macerator reduces tough wastewater solids to fine bits with a unique, high-flow, spherical rotor design. The unit is specifically designed for high capacity and minimal headloss. In fact, because of its high percentage of open area, the SUPER SHREDDER remains practically invisible to flow. The SUPER SHREDDER is simple to install in straight-through pipe systems. It quickly goes to work protecting pumps and enhancing the operation of process equipment. This unique unit has provided remarkably dependable service in installations worldwide.
DryTec® FG500 Feeder Brochure
This cost-competitive feeder is ideal for food contact water treatment. It can hold up to 95lbs av. Cl. and treats at a rate of 35lbs an hour. Since the feeder works with DryTec® Food-Grade Briquettes it is ideally suited for water treatment in fruit and vegetable and irrigation lines. The FG500 is a capital friendly solution which requires no electricity and minimal maintenance.
DryTec® IC5 Feeder Brochure
Designed for commercial fruit and vegetable water treatment, the DryTec® IC5 Feeder featuring EPA-registered DryTec® FG Briquettes, provides reliable chlorine solutions. The DryTec® system delivers liquid-available chlorine for disinfection applications that kill bacteria, control algae and remove organic contaminants producing clean, clear, sanitized water.
Equinox® Stabilizer Brochure
Equinox Stabilizer 15 is a unique product which ensures controlled availability of halogen during the paper-making process. By reducing interactions with sources of active halogen demand, Equinox Stabilizer 15 reduces the quantity of sodium hypochlorite used for slime control and maximizes compatibility with sensitive process additives (including optical brighteners, retention aids, wet and dry strength aids).
Equinox® Stabilizer
Equinox® Stabilizer 15 is a non-biocidal halogen stabilizing solution, designed to optimize the availability of active chlorine sources (sodium hypochlorite) in high chlorine demand, industrial process water applications. Specifically recommended for use in the paper-making industry.
Bardac® LF
Bardac® LF 18-50 WT prevents algae growth at low concentrations and regains control of systems where algae have become established.
Bardac® LF Brochure
Traditional and polymeric quat-based algaecides are known to be incompatible with anionic scale and corrosion inhibitors. However, Bardac® LF 18-50 WT can be applied with confidence to water systems that use these compounds. Because of its unique chemical structure, Bardac® LF 18-50 WT demonstrates minimal interaction with anionic treatment chemicals while retaining the outstanding algaecidal performance of traditional ADBAC quats. In addition, compared to ADBAC quats, Bardac® LF 18-50 WT is low foaming.